Sunday, September 12, 2010

Taking Chances

I have a classmate that was absent for 2 weeks (not sure) because of Dengue. Yes, DENGUE. Well, some of us thought that when she would come back, she would be thin. She went back to school last week.

During our HECRA period, she told us that God gave her another chance. I would not first explain what I meant about 'another chance'. Okay. I want to share her story. She said that, we were in a garden and we all wear white clothes. We were all in there and her friends, relatives and people she knows. In the garden, she gave us advice. After that, she saw the light because it's time for her to go. But, her mom holds her back and she woke up. She told her mother about the story and her mom cried.

After I heard her story, I was touched and wanted to cry but I hold back my tears. This was the 3rd experience that I heard. This is why I wanted to write this blog about her because I was inspired. I want other people would hear and listen because there is a message that would like us to learn in life. Some people would commit suicide because of problems or issues. Why would they talk to God or their family or friends? Suicide is not the answer. If God gave her another chance to live because of a sickness, why would other people that are not sick would commit suicide?

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