Monday, October 11, 2010

Bii Ai

For Girl 1

You called her your 'kapatid'? If she is your "kapatid", you should be a good example to your 'kapatid'. Not a bad influence. I want to tell you the truth. I hate you, when you are sooooooooooooo "manol" to boys. You came from a boys and girls school. Your purpose to go with us because, you want to meet some guys out there.

A message for Girl 2

Some friends that I know and has once to be my close friend, Changed. I don't know why. Maybe, because of the influence of friends? Hhmm...Yeah, it was the influence of friends. She is VERY different from last year. Last year, she was different. She doesn't back bite her best friend. She was very 'palasapak' to others and other stuff. But now, I don't know. I don't know who the person was, I knew last year. I don't know who the person I have fun last year was.

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