Sunday, October 3, 2010


She has the body and the potential. But, is she serious at all times? I like her. But, I don't like it when her attitude would be like...maybe an example. Our classmate is talking about Julliard. Yes, Julliard the famous school in the U.S. She doesn't even know what Julliard is. She doesn't know that Julliard are also for dancers. Our teacher is talking about music and mentioned about this school. And she said she wants to go there. She doesn't even know what the objectives of Julliard are. She doesn't even know what Julliard in there is. Another example in the ballet world here in Philippines. The 2 schools that are famous is BM (Ballet Manila, Lisa Macuja-Elizalde is their principal dancer) and BP (Ballet Philippines). Ballet Manila is for classical ballet dancers. And Ballet Philippines are for contemporary dancers. She said she wants to be in BP. In my mind, I was like WHAT? You’re not even fitted to be a contemporary dancer. You’re not even serious when practicing ballet. Sorry if I'll say this...I think your blind. Why? Your flexible, you don't know how to use your flexibility in dancing. I think they are right. You’re until flexibility. I am not blogging this because I hate you. I'm saying this because "nanugonan ko sa imo". As I said you have the POTENTIAL. Prove them wrong that you’re not until flexibility only. Prove them that that you can use your flexibility in dancing. Alright?

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