Monday, October 11, 2010

Upside down

Don't make me force to see my true colors biatch. 'Cause I don't wanna lose my jolly-ness to you. We are not playing games here. I thought you have change. I thought the old girl they knew last year was a new MATURE and RESPONSIBLE girl. Gosh, wla mn gli pulos ang prangka namun sa imo. I realize you don't deserve to go with us. Do you wanna know why? All we can only hear to you is chismis, chismis and chismis. Well, it's okay if we gossip other people that don’t know us. But gossiping another friend? A friend you have been since 1st year. If your purpose to have friends is to throw all the bad gossips to them. Then those friends that have been true and loyal to you are not your true friends anymore. You make us upside down Dude! Oh yeah before I forget, we have been loyal and true to you bitch!

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